Saturday 4 October 2008

Free BCA Wordart

Hiya all, I hope you are well.
Firstly I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has sent me in tags, I am amazed and your generosity and your talent is amazing I adore all my tags :0)

I have had also lots of entries to my competition so I have enlisted the help of 2 judges, there is still until the 15Th to get in your entries if you haven't already and you can find the details of the competition Here
Today I also have a word art freebie for you, I hope you like it and it is some use to you, The BCA freebie kit I made last month is here also if you don't already have it.

The word art comes in layered Psd. You can download it Here

All my freebies are sponsored by Think Bingo.

Think Bingo


Joy said...

Thank you so much for the wordart.. and the BCA kit.. I just lost my mom to BC.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much