Tuesday 20 May 2008

I've been Tagged!!!!!

Oh boy lol am crap at stuff like this lol

I 've been tagged by Kathy of Tizzy's Tags and Treasures

Here is what you do if you've been tagged....
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ok so lets see if i can think of 7 things about me

1. Am a divorced, cynical wench with 3 boys and a full time job!
2. I love scunthorpe utd, trigger happy tv, peter kay and have a passion for Roy Keane!
3.Last year I won the vodafone full on fan competition and bagged myself a prize to go to Athens for the champions league final (it was amazing)
4.I work online on a bingo web site.
5.erm.. I once auditioned for a tv commerical for above said bingo site lol
6. If i won the lottery the car of my dreams I would get is a New style mini in Claret and Blue with a sufc badge on the roof.. i love all things tacky!
7. I have black and pillarbox red hair

Sorry some of them are a bit lame but I dont know what you want to know about me lol

Here are the blogs am Tagging.. Am gonna try not to hit repeats..

Katie @ Pookers Creations
Vix @ Vix Psp
Clarey @ Clarey's Designz
Becky @ Vamp Productions
Conny @ Vanilla Designs
Missy & Yvette @ Misfit Scrapz
Chelle @ Weescotslass Creations


Dusk Till Dawn said...

oh my hun, am sooo sorry but i tagged you too! i need more friends on here lol as i only had 5 ppl to tag hehe...
hope you okies.x